How to make an SCP-914 (Help)

Hey !
I’m trying to make an SCP-914 for my SCP game. Since I use a server script to determine the position of the button, or if a player used the button, I tried to use game:GetService(“Players”) to detect the player (inventory, character, health…) But I get an error : Character is not a valid part of workspace, here is the code :

	local cs = script.Parent.Parent.Button.TurnScript
	local part = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Model.InputDoor
	local partbis = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Model.OutputDoor
	local SS = game.ServerStorage
	cs.Disabled = true
	local player = game:GetService("Players")
	local card0 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Card-L0")
	local card1 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Card-L1")
	local card2 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Card-L2")
	local card3 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Card-L3")
	local card3b = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Guard")
	local card4 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Site Director")
	local card4b = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] MTF")
	local card4c = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] UIU")
	local card4d = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] GOC")
	local card5 = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Card-L5")
	local card5bis = game:GetService("Players").Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Alpha-1")
	local cardb = player.Character:FindFirstChild("[SCP] Bypass")
		local place =, 5.6, -3.705) 
		local humanoid = p.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
		local Mode = game.ReplicatedStorage.Scp914Mode
		if Mode.Value == 1 then
			humanoid.Torso.CFrame = place
			humanoid.Health = 0
		elseif Mode.Value == 2 then
			if card0 then 
			elseif card1 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L0"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card2 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L1"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card3 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L2"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card4 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L3"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card5 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card5bis then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif cardb then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Guard"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			humanoid.Torso.CFrame = place
			humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health/2
		elseif Mode.Value == 3 then
			humanoid.Torso.CFrame = place
		elseif Mode.Value == 4 then
			if card0 then 
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L1"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card1 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L2"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card2 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L3"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card3 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card4 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L5"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card5 then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif card5bis then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			elseif cardb then
				local n0 = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Site Director"]:Clone()
				n0.Parent  = player.Character
			humanoid.Torso.CFrame = place
			humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health + 20
		elseif Mode.Value == 5 then
			humanoid.Torso.CFrame = place
			humanoid.Health = 0
			humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false

You’re using mouseclick, that returns the player as a parameter,


Use this


And reference that player since you can’t get the Character from a list of players like that.

Also, if you’re trying to replicate scp 914, can’t you use FindPartsInRegion3 to determine the parts in the Input area, do something for the Output area with that info?

You are doing this completely wrong, you are checking if the player has an equipped tool instead you should check for the tools on the ground or in their backpack.

After which you should switch the improved tools with the current tools with each other.

As well as not using the player parameter from the ClickDetector connection like @EmbatTheHybrid explained, instead you made a variable called player which is equal to the Players Service.

Instead I highly suggest putting a region3 inside the room where you drop the tools, make the region3 a bit bigger than the room itself you will then find all parts inside the region3 with FindPartsInRegion3, then you delete the cards inside the region3 and spawn the “improved cards” inside the other room. When you do this you can save the middle of room1 and room2 then you use CFrame to object and world space to move the tools from the 1 room to another room.


It’s wanted
Cuz I’d like to upgrade the tool depending on if the player hold it to prevent any robbery

Robbery makes any game funner, it is about deceiving people and getting a benefit out of it. Most people enjoy getting a benifit from other people and either way last times I played any type of SCP game with SCP-914 most people kept their deginity and followed the person with the keycard and never stole it, even when he was upgrading it.

Any SCP game should be about teamwork so you should test your players further in the game, if they can not play as a team they will never win nor succeed.

My point being there is more risk if people can steal it, more risk correlates with the game being more fun, why else are people addicted to gambling, because of the risk.

If you want to discuss this further I rather move this to direct messages.

Welp, if a pro says it
Imma modify the script rn
But is it possible to use something like OnTouch?

There isn’t anything called OnTouch. Please stop trolling.

OnTouch = Touched bro
Sorry If I misspelled it

I highly suggest not using OnTouched, in the past I used OnTouched and only if a card is for example in the doorway it will still run, instead create a region3 from the room space this can be done by converting a part instance to region3 like so:

local roomPart = -- Path to room part, this will be a bit bigger than the room
local reg3 =,

reg3.Size = roompart.Size
reg3.CFrame = roompart.CFrame
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He is revering to Instance.Touched

After creating a region3 you will make a function you will run every time to check for all parts inside the room, we will be using workspace:FindPartsInRegion3:

local function getToolsInRoom()
   local parts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(reg3, nil, 20)
   local tools = {}
   for _, part in pairs(parts) do
      local tool = part.Parent
      if tool:IsA("Tool") then
         table.insert(tools, tool)
   return tools

You can receive all the tools by doing the following:

local tools = getToolsInRoom()

Then you will loop through all tools and replace all of them like so:

for _, tool in pairs(tools) do
   if tool.Name == "[SCP] Card-L0" then
   elseif tool.Name == "[SCP] Card-L1" then
      local rTool = SS.AccessCard["[SCP] Card-L0"]:Clone() -- Replacement for the current tool
      rTool.Parent = workspace
      -- move the rTool inside room 2 with the offset of tool in room 1
      -- You can do this with CFrame Object and World Space, which I linked in a post before.
   -- even more elseif statements
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I’m trying to make it automatic, instead of doing manually everytime every possibility
Should I Put items in a table (like Card-L3) and if the player put on Fine, it’ll get a random item on the table a level above (L4) and replace it.
Same thing for like coarse or stuff like that.
– Edit –
If I need to do it manually, imma do it, it’s just to know

You have 3 options:

  1. Have all the cards in order (worst to best cards) in a table
  2. Manually, it is kinda like shown above but more text.
  3. Have some complex system which will decide what can happen with every specific card it’ll use a module script and start looking something like shown below first, after you will put every type of card inside every setting and equal it to a table with what the card can be. I do not recommend doing this.
local settings = {
   Rough = {}
   Coarse = {}
   ["1:1"] = {}
   Fine = {}
   ["Very Fine"] = {}   

Note, you should decide this for yourself, I suggest choosing whichever sounds easiest to you.

Edit: If you have any other questions, move it to my direct messages instead, thank you!

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For the mode I used a IntValue stored in ReplicatedStorage, not a table of the mode

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