How to make an ui list layout have multiple rows

i want to make a lobby system that have 8 players per lobby, and i want to fit players image (thumbnail) into a frame

they looks okay on my screen but when i switch to another device

i tried using other alternatives like uigridlayout and uitable layout put theyre so confusing

please help me
thank u

There isn’t an easy way to do this without using UIGridLayout.

I recommend you try understanding them. (Yes, I did acknowledge that you have tired them before.)

You need to basically insert the size you want in the CellSize property with the padding you want and then you can edit the FillDirectionMaxCells property so that it uses multiple rows.


after researching i have figured out how to use uigrid, but theres another problem, i cant tween their size because it is influenced by uigrid

youd have to make different frames and add a UI list to every each of them

of course you can use UI grid but like you said it cant be tweened and it looks bad so