I’m trying to make tank treads that match the speed of the roadwheels, but I am failing miserably. I named each track link in order with integer, the one next to it being the next integer.
I’ve tried to set one track link’s CFrame to the next one, which actually works quite well: https://gyazo.com/4cb844523e05a7d75aaa6a77ad9a9d27 (the tracks are anchored)
The script I used for the above ^
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Model = script.Parent
local Speed = 0.65 -- How much time each tracklink will take to move to the next one
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(Speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
while true do
for i = 1, #Model:GetChildren() - 1 do -- substracting 1 because the script is in there
local nextTrackNum = i + 1
if nextTrackNum > #Model:GetChildren() - 1 then nextTrackNum = 1 end
local tween = TS:Create(Model[tostring(i)], info, {CFrame = Model[tostring(nextTrackNum)].CFrame})
However it doesn’t work when the tracks are welded to the tank’s base part (Where all the welds are), or the whole tank is gonna fling, due to weld logic and the CFrame being constantly updated by TweenService.
I’ve looked around in the devforum but there was no luck. How can I correctly place the treads around the roadwheels and prevent them from falling off, and react to the suspension? I don’t want to make physics-based tracks, as that will lag the game a lot. Thanks a lot in advance
EDIT: Changed plans. Didn’t delete the above script in case someone needs it. New problem is the title. I am using hinges to rotate the wheels for the part, but since they have custom acceleration, and there is no CurrentSpeed property in the hinge, there is a problem.
The tracks aren’t welded to each other (they are currently anchored, when I unanchor them and weld them to tank’s structure they fling off the entire tank)
Sorry for late reply. I was trying to think for a solution and I thought of animating the tracks with a texture. But in order to get the correct speed based on wheels, I needed the rotations per second of the wheel. Could you help?
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local SetupTracksEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SetupTracks")
local function sign(x: number)
if x > 0 then return 1 end
if x < 0 then return -1 end
return 1
-- This is an event sent from the server, once the whole tank is loaded.
local function RenderTracks(data: {
L: CylindricalConstraint,
R: CylindricalConstraint,
LTextures: Model,
RTextures: Model,
local LSprocket: BasePart = data.L.Attachment1.Parent -- Left side roadwheel, for reference.
local RSprocket: BasePart = data.R.Attachment1.Parent -- Right side roadwheel, for reference.
local LeftDeltaMagnitude = nil
local RightDeltaMagnitude = nil
local InitialL = LSprocket.Orientation.X
local InitialR = RSprocket.Orientation.X
while true do
LeftDeltaMagnitude = math.abs(LSprocket.Orientation.X - InitialL)
RightDeltaMagnitude = math.abs(RSprocket.Orientation.X - InitialR)
InitialL = LSprocket.Orientation.X -- Update the X oriention variables to the new ones.
InitialR = RSprocket.Orientation.X
for i,v: Texture in ipairs(data.LTextures:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Texture") then
if v.Name == "SideL" then -- The side textures (one facing left Normal face) need different calculations.
v.OffsetStudsU += LeftDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.L.AngularVelocity) / 60
elseif v.Name == "SideR" then
v.OffsetStudsU -= LeftDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.L.AngularVelocity) / 60
v.OffsetStudsV -= LeftDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.L.AngularVelocity) / 60
for i,v: Texture in ipairs(data.RTextures:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Texture") then
if v.Name == "SideL" then
v.OffsetStudsU += RightDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.R.AngularVelocity) / 60
elseif v.Name == "SideR" then
v.OffsetStudsU -= RightDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.R.AngularVelocity) / 60
v.OffsetStudsV -= RightDeltaMagnitude * sign(data.R.AngularVelocity) / 60
They were placed one by one, in this shape, and put textures on the Top, Bottom, Left and Right faces. The bottom, bigger parts, is multiple-piece Unioned tracklinks that have the potential to interact with suspension.
The textures don’t look very good, but if anyone’s trying to implement this and know how to correctly place the textures (correct offsets and studs per tile), please @ me. Above script is essentially an accurate way to move the tracks per RenderStep.