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I’m trying to make an Armor and Health system and I wanna know how I would make it so if a player has armor then it will damage the armor value but if the armor is below 0 then it will damage the health. For example, is if I have 30 Armor and 100 health and we damage the armor by 40 we would have -10 armor and I wanna take away health by that amount.
Server Script:
local Main = require(script.Parent.MainModule)
local RE_Health = game.ReplicatedStorage.Health -- Health RemoteEvent
-- Assigns Health/Armor Values to players.
local Health ="IntValue")
Health.Name = "Health"
Health.Parent = plr
Health.Value = 100
local Armor ="IntValue")
Armor.Name = "Armor"
Armor.Parent = plr
RE_Health.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, Health, Armor)
Main.DamagePlayer(plr, 40)
Local Script:
local RE_Health = game.ReplicatedStorage.Health
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Health = plr.Health
local Armor = plr.Armor
local Healthbar = script.Parent.Background.Healthbar
local Armorbar = script.Parent.Background.Armorbar
Health.Changed:Connect(function() -- Detects if health value has changed
Healthbar:TweenSize(UDim2.fromScale(Health.Value/100, 1), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.3, true)
RE_Health:FireServer(Health.Value, Armor.Value) -- Gives the server the health and armor values
Armor.Changed:Connect(function() -- Detects if armor value has changed
Armorbar:TweenSize(UDim2.fromScale(Armor.Value/100, 0.5), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.3, true)
RE_Health:FireServer(Health.Value, Armor.Value) -- Gives the server the health and armor values
Main Module Script:
local module = {}
function module.DamagePlayer(plr, Damage)
if plr.Armor.Value >= 0 then
plr.Armor.Value -= Damage
if plr.Armor.Value < 0 then
local LeftOver = plr.Armor.Value + plr.Health.Value
plr.Health.Value = LeftOver
plr.Armor.Value = 0
plr.Health.Value -= Damage
return module
Feel free to point out any mistakes I have made