How to make Art and GFX


So i’m new to roblox development and i have a few questions about thumbnails and title screens and stuff. So how do you make game icons and pics for the game? Where do you make them? If you could point me to some tutorials that would be great.

EDIT: Please can someone answer


Well, Art is a more complex venture which I can’t answer for, but for GFXs, most people make those in Blender or C4D. On the note of tutorials, here’s a rather unhelpful playlist I’ve been adding videos to for about a year.


adding to what nik said, dont restrict yourself to roblox tutorials!! look at blender/cinema 4d tutorials too. you will learn a lot more about the user interface that way and it will make your understanding of the program a lot better so you can apply your knowledge to make ur own things

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