How to make background fade to black, but keep characters on screen?

How would I achieve an effect of the background fading to black, but keeping your character on screen?


if you need only 2 characters (the user and the target or smth), you can use a viewport frame, insert the characters and copy the player’s current camera to the viewport camera (and set the background to black)

to do a fade effect, try tweening the background transparency of the viewport

The characters in the viewportframe wont be in sync though

for syncing the character, that is tricky, because I don’t really know how to properly sync the characters without any frame drops. I don’t know what else could do the effect other than viewport frames.

I just tweaked around in studio and I found out that you can use Highlight to cover everything except the players

Rig Highlight DepthMode = AlwaysOnTop (FillTransparency = 1)
Workspace Highlight DepthMode = Occluded (FillTransparency = 0)

although highlight is really limited right now, because you can only use highlight on (iirc) ~30 parts. this should be fine for your case (highlight only the visible parts or use meshes for your map)


the sky won’t be covered though

sorry for the bump, but what i’m making is dependant on this :smiling_face_with_tear:

There is another way of doing this u can make brightness 0 then add highlight to the players. Sadly players can’t be seeable only the highlight colors can.

If u don’t wanna do that u can add viewport for the main player screen then u need to get player and enemy humanoid des. And apply to 2 dummies. For the syncing part u need to make a simple LScript that checks if the player limb moved if it does moves it
dummies will copy it. If u wanna optimize it so it will be less laggy u need to check what part welded to what so u don’t need to check welded parts/accessories

(I forget if physics work in viewmodel u can try this method but I’m not sure if it work if it does not then u can check all the baseparts in the character)