Hey, I’ve been looking for solutions to this problem for the past couple days but I can’t seem to find a solution.
The issue is that I’m using a bodyvelocity to move the player when they dash, however rotating the player/camera mid dash doesn’t move the bodyvelocity with it.
Keeping to loop the creation of the bodyvelocity sounds wrong cause u have multiple velocitys so thats why it lags…
only thing i could think of for the solution is that after u create ur velocity, do multiple updates to that velocity quickly…
now i dont know how this calculation works that u have done BV.Velocity = hum.MoveDirection * 24.7
but i think it like this:
local BV = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", char.HumanoidRootPart)
BV.MaxForce = Vector3.new(calculatemaxforce(10,char), 0, calculatemaxforce(10,char))
game.Debris:AddItem(BV, 0.5)
local updates = 0
while updates < 40 do -- 40 is for how many frames we update it
BV.Velocity = hum.MoveDirection * 24.7
updates += 1
Yeah, I tried this, however the player has to actively move for the updates to work, I want a dashing system where u can choose to let go of your w/a/s/d keys after dashing and have it still follow the players rotation