How to make both right and left arm stick out when holding a tool?

I am working with roblox swords and i’ve run into a problem with the dual variants.

The other arm doesn’t lift up, I’ve tried messing around with C0’s and C1’s but that didn’t help at all.
I’m considering making an animation for it but before i do i wanna see if there’s another way to do it.

Have you tried editing the C0 value of the shoulder joint?

Yes and this is what happened

You can make your own animation with both arms out then just replace the toolidle animation id in the animation local script to your asset animation assetid. You can do this by forking the animation script under the character model then putting it inStarterCharacterScripts.


That worked, Thank you for your help!

Is there a way to make this tool-specific?

Make a table with the names of the tools that you want to hold with the other hand:

local LeftHandTools = {} -- Tool names here

Then, when a tool is added into the player just detect if it’s the same name or not:

if table.find(LeftHandedTools, Tool.Name) then
    -- put it on the left hand

Side note, do not necro bump topics, make a new one or use the search bar instead.

I’m a newer forum user so I don’t know what ‘necro bumping’ is. Apologies for any inconvenience.