How to make bottom of a part face a certain direction

How would you make a part’s bottom face a direction. Not the front but the bottom of the part. I know you can do, lookAt) But how do I do that with a different direction thats not the front.


You can make adjustments to the CFrame.lookAt(position, lookAt) to reverse it as one knows it is guranteed most of the time to make the front face a part.

*These are for making the back of a part face a direction

One method should be to rotate it 180 degrees local y axis., lookAt) *CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0)

Another method be to inverse the rotation, making the orientation look in the opposite direction., lookAt).Rotation:Inverse()+position

You can even make it look backwards at a point, by making the direction vector from the position to the look at point negative:

local positionToLookAtVector = lookAt - position
local positionToLookAtBehind = position - positionToLookAt, positionToLookAtBehind) 

*Whoops I misread it, it’s the part bottom for that I believe it’s easier to just rotate it 90 degrees along the x axis., lookAt) *CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0)

But the gist of it is modifying the obtained CFrame after knowing the fact the front faces the direction.