How to make bubble chats be seen far away for an npc

So I have an npc that says stuff from his head using Chat:Chat() but players that are far away can’t see what he’s saying and they only see 3 dots. How can I increase the distance of how far you can read the message before the 3 dots appear?

I have tried making a local script and setting bubble chat settings but that didn’t affect the npc in any way.

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")

Chat:SetBubbleChatSettings({ MaxDistance = 500 })

Any help would be great!

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Change the ChatVersion to LegacyChatService, and then the codes should work.

Code example:

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")

	MaxDistance = 500, --Distance for the three dots to appear
	MinimizeDistance = 450 --Show text as far away as you want

This does work but how would I do this with the TextChatService and not the legacy

You need to use TextChatService and access BubbleChatConfiguration

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local BubbleChatConfig = TextChatService.BubbleChatConfiguration

BubbleChatConfig.MaxDistance = 500
BubbleChatConfig.MinimizeDistance = 450

When a Player is beyond the MinimizeDistance but not yet beyond the MaxDistance of BubbleChatConfiguration a preview “3 dots” message is displayed. Simply increase the MinimizeDistance.

As for how to make an NPC display chat bubbles with the new TextChatService you must use TextChatService:DisplayBubble, but it is not yet enabled.

Hey this works too as well as going to textchatservice and going to the bubbleconfiguration thingy and setting the values there.

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