How to make bubblechat in a custom chat?

I was making a custom chat for my game. However, when I did that it took away the bubblechat which is important to my game (it is a hangout game). How do I enable bubblechat in a custom chat?
Here is the file:
Hangout Game.rbxl (1.1 MB)


Have you tried using Chat:Chat(), with the Player’s head as the part parameter, to recreate bubble chat?

game.Chat:Chat(Player.Character.Head, "chat text", "White") --Part for chat to appear off of, text to be displayed, Color of the message
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Where should I put that script? Do I put it in workspace or do I add it to another script?

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I don’t think he did that at at all

I am on mobile, so I can’t view the place to see exactly how your custom chat works, but you would want to implement it on the Player that Chatted, after the text is filtered.

I am not quite sure what you mean by enable BubbleChat in a Custom Chat. After all, it’s Custom. Can you explain yourself a bit better?

I want the same bubblechat as a normal chat, but with the text being custom, if you get that?


If you mean to that, you can use Chat:Chat() as @ExcessEnergy said.
Read about it in this article.

Sorry, I am a 3D modeler mainly and I do not understand too well. Do you know where I insert it into my game?


Can you send me your code? I will add it.

I already put the file inside the post.

An example piece of code could look like this
This is just a script

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

      ChatService:Chat(player.Character, msg, "Black")
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So this code will be in another script in the workspace?

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I see that @kingerman88 gave you a good example of how to do that.

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yes, it just needs to go into another script

Okay. Does it go in a workspace or on the player?

Put it in server script service, workspace also works, but it is good practice to put scripts in server script service

Why is it better to keep it in the server script service? Exploiters?

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No, it is just good so your game will be tidy.


I am now having a problem that the terrain does not load when character spawns and it goes into the abyss. And it does not respawn.