How to make bullet holes face correctly?

Currently, it looks like this,

Which, obviously, isn’t the correct direction. My script:

local GunshotWound = game.ReplicatedStorage.GunshotWound:Clone()
				GunshotWound.CFrame =, RaycastResult.Position + RaycastResult.Normal)
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What happens if you shoot at it from above? If it changes the direction it’s facing, I suggest:

local GunshotWound = game.ReplicatedStorage.GunshotWound:Clone()
				GunshotWound.CFrame =, RaycastResult.Position + RaycastResult.Normal) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,0) -- or move the math.rad(90) to one of the other arguments (just tweak it)

(i hid the arms that had the wounds in them, the bullet wound is inside the arm)

Use CFrame.lookAt(at, look), both arguments are vector3s to make the part look at something

could you give a line of code to put in the script for it? :sweat_smile:

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