Hi I’m Luzappy
I’m working on a Ski Lift that goes from Point A to Point B and back, I would like to add a small detail to the cables which is that when the Ski Lift is Travelling on it, It would make the Cables sag down due to the weight. Is this possible in Roblox Studio, If so how can I do it?
I have searched everywhere yet I have no idea how this is done.
This may also possibly go into Game Design Support I’m not sure.
You could create 2 “ropes”. One that goes from point A to the ski lift, and one from the ski lift to point B.
Then you make the ski lift travel the same way it does now, but slightly farther down on the Y-axis.
Every time you move the ski lift, you recalculate the length of the ropes and connect them to the new position.
The ropes could be RopeConstraints or RodConstraints, or just long parts.
Apologies for the late reply, But how do I make it sag along with the lifts path. As in how do I recalculate the length of the rope and connect it with the litfts path. I do understand you but I am clueless.
Well actually, if your lift is anchored, you don’t need to recaluclate the lengths. Simply add the rods and connect them properly. Then, whenever you move the lift they will automatically be connected to it and look like ropes.
Make two RodConstraints and parent them to the lift.
Set both rods’ Attachment0 property to an attachment inside the lift.
Set one rod’s Attachment1 property to an attachment inside point A, and for the other rod do the same but for point B.
Set the constraints’ “Visible” property to true and adjust their “Thickness” and “Color”.
Thank you very much, I’ll try it out. This is clearly the solution, but lets assume point A and point B are two support towers, the Lift needs to go onto Point C as well to continue ahead and then back to A by using D E and F
So what I have in mind is that once the lift touches point B the two Rod Constraints (A-B) [Red] and (B-A) [Orange] can revert back to their default position where they possibly may over lap (Not a problem), When the Lift goes past point B I can change the parent of the Rod Constraint which is B-C to the lift and the same with C-B. I might not be able to get this in my words but do correct me if I’m wrong anywhere.
Well that is what I think can be done when the lift needs to travel on multiple points, Please give me your methodlogy if it needs to travel on/to Multiple Points.
That would definitely be the way to go about it. And the ropes can indeed overlap without a problem.
But there is a thing to change from the design I explained previously. I had the ropes parented to the lift, which isn’t ideal in this case. Parent each rope to its corresponding point (A-B to A, B-A to B, etc.).
That way you don’t need to change the parent of any constraints. When switching to the B-C and C-B ropes, just change their Attachment1 property, they can stay parented to their point.
So every rope’s Attachment0 property should always be its starter point, and the Attachment1 should either be the lift or the opposing point, depending on if the lift is there or not.