I’m in need of a Camera Bobbing System, that makes the camera bob around, based on the players speed.
What this mechanic needs
Camera Bobbing Based On Players Speed
The Mechanic Needs To Feel More Like Horror, Instead Of FPS.
No Extra Mechanics Are Needed. Just The Ones Stated.
Thank You for reading. I appreciate the help.
Since I’m not rich, Credit for whoever makes the script, WILL , be given.
February 8, 2023, 6:03pm
There’s many tutorials for this, I would preferably recommend you this one and try modifying it for the bobble to match the player speed by checking the HumanoidRootPart velocity
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Thank You so much!
I’ve tried so many tutorials and could never find the right one for my game. Your help is much appreciated.
February 22, 2023, 6:05pm
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