How to make camera direction up, left, right. down

how do I make the camera move in different directions.
from one position to another

For example, here’s my code. And I have a loop function written.
how can i add for example + 1 to direction (up,down,left,right)

local Character = script.Parent
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local CurrentFov = 70
local zoom = 25

local Connection2
local CameraSystem = coroutine.wrap(function()

	Connection2 = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
		Camera.FieldOfView = CurrentFov
		if Character then
			if Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
				Camera.CFrame = + zoom, Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y + zoom + zoom, Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z + zoom), Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)



i really need help, because no one was able to help me with my last request.
camera like dota 2 or top down shooter :slight_smile:

Any help I need, even if you are completely unable to answer my question.
Feel free to write :slight_smile:

im going to run this in studio and run some tests

try moving your script to starter character scripts

it seems to work fine for me

You misunderstand me, I understand that the script works, I want to make the camera move in different directions, up to down to left to right.
with X,Y,Z movement.
for example Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame + CFrame.New(…)

Thank you for taking the trouble to come into the studio, and test my script :slight_smile:

I want to figure out how I can make camera movement like in Dota 2 or League Of Legens.
For example, when you point at the edges of the screen in these games, the camera moves depending on where the player is pointing

get the mouse position, compare it to the center, and add an offset to the CFrame X property based off of it

if the camera rotates, youre going to have to do a lot of weird mathy stuff to figure out what the X and Y property offset should be

everything you wrote, I don’t know how to implement it.
If you could, could you script it for me?
I really don’t know how.
If you can’t, or if you’re lazy. That’s okay.

im not good enough to script that

nor do i have any idea how to script that

just giving ideas