How to make camera distortion?

How can I distort the camera like in this video?


I was honestly wondering the same thing when I saw that video a while ago. It looks like the camera is stretching but I’m not sure if that’s even possible within Roblox.

Just a guess, he could be manipulating the camera’s FOV/position simultaneously, so it might give that effect.


Its a long video but are you referring to the jittery camera shake?


Sorry for the delay. But yes, I mean the shake of the camera.


I was in the resource section the other day and someone had posted a very popular plugin for that long ago, let me find it one second.

Edit: here you go,

Their camera shake example was for explosions, but im sure it can be adjusted and tuned to what you like.

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It is actually possible. I did this before by manipulating the camera’s cframe.

Just look at the camera distortion, don’t mind anything else.

Edit: Mute your sounds, I just realised that the sounds is so loud.


CFrames usually have three directions describing their “right direction”, “up direction”, and “backwards direction”.

If they aren’t all 90 degrees apart, you get distortion.

For instance, here I keep the right vector the same but rotate the up vector:

local angle = 0
local inc = true
game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("SkewCamera", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, function()
	if inc then
		angle += 0.01
		if angle > math.pi/2 - 0.1 then inc = false end
		angle -= 0.01
		if angle < 0.1 - math.pi/2 then inc = true end
	local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
	local rotated = cam.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, angle)
	cam.CFrame = CFrame.fromMatrix(cam.CFrame.Position, cam.CFrame.RightVector, rotated.UpVector)

Things start to freak out at the extremes, though. I limited it to about +/- 90 degrees.


thanks Buddy. I couldn’t have done it without your help. But I have a question. How did you know this?


I made a guess, and then tried it out!

The guess came from past experience with 3D rendering and matrices.

If there’s one thing I recommend learning for game dev, it’s the basics of linear algebra. This whole series is fantastic:

If you only have time to watch one video, chapter 3 is the most important IMO. Go in knowing that CFrames are rotation matrices. The video explains what a rotation matrix is :slight_smile:

That video may give you a sense of how I guessed that the “distortion” was caused by a non-orthogonal matrix.


Thank you very much. but I have one last question, How can I learn all about the lua language (Roblox Studio). I would like to learn everything that this platform gives and to be able to apply them, to be able to not get stuck when I create a script.