How to make camera go through ragdoll

I made a ragdoll that creates a clone of the ragdolled character to make it smoother. But sometimes the cloned character is in the way of the camera which ends up bringing the camera super up close to the head.

I read this post which said to turn off cancollide or change devcameraocclusion to inviscam, but I need the parts to collide and I don’t want the parts to be partly transparent when the camera goes through them.

I tried reading through the roblox invisicam script but I don’t know where to change it so that the camera goes through ragdolls.

Is there any way I can make my camera go through the cloned character?

Maybe try collision groups?
Im not sure if it will work with the camera though

The Default Camera will Ignore Collision Parts that are inside the Client’s Player Model. So if the ragdoll is not actually the player than this can happen. I would maybe try to Set the Camera “Subject” to this new ragdoll? Or Experiment with converting the Current Model to a Ragdoll instead of creating a new object. Hope this helps!