if u dont understand the title what i mean is, when the player dies, and then respawns, i dont want it to make it immeditaly make the camera where the player spawns, i want the camera to smoothly and quickly tween to where it the character is and then stop tweening
kinda like a gta character when spawning in?
um i dont play gta so idk if ur thinking what im thinking
Set the camera’s type to “Scriptable” and tween it. If the tween is completed you can set it back to “Custom”
local LPlr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local MyCam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local TweenDuration = 3
local JustDied = false
local function SetupChar()
MyCam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
JustDied = true
if JustDied == true then
JustDied = false
local Tween1 = TS:Create(MyCam, TweenInfo.new(TweenDuration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = LPlr.Character.Head.CFrame})
if state == Enum.PlaybackState.Completed then
MyCam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
MyCam.CameraSubject = LPlr.Character.Humanoid
repeat task.wait() until LPlr.Character
this works but how would i make it so like, the respawn time is inf, but when u press a button it respwans u instantly, so how would i make it so this thing happens when u press the button
disabled the “CharacterAutoLoads” property of game.Players, and whenever u wanna spawn the character, just do “Player:LoadCharacter()”
i have already done that with a respawn button im just saying how to do this camera thing when u press the button and load character
bcuz @Veexas rn when i press the button i edit the script to do the function when u press it, but it justs load character without the camera thingy
keep the camera.cameratype = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable until u successfully tweened it into the character
i gave u the script, it will tween the camera cframe to ur character’s cframe tweening is smooth version of changing property values with given tweeninfo
The script i gave u should be in a LocalScript inside the client’s stuff such as StarterPlayerScript, it will automatically do the animation for u whenever ur character loads, u dont need to change it, whenever ur server decides to load ur character when u press the button, the animation begins
rn its a local script in the respawn button like this but if i respawn, the camera becomes scriptable but it does not tween:
local LPlr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local MyCam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local TweenDuration = 3
local JustDied = false
local function SetupChar()
MyCam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
JustDied = true
if JustDied == true then
JustDied = false
local Tween1 = TS:Create(MyCam, TweenInfo.new(TweenDuration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = LPlr.Character.Head.CFrame})
if state == Enum.PlaybackState.Completed then
MyCam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
MyCam.CameraSubject = LPlr.Character.Humanoid
because u did not use my whole script,
u did not add this:
repeat task.wait() until LPlr.Character
like i said earlier, theres nothing u need to do, just spawn ur character using serverscript when button has been activated, the script i gave u is automatic, the only thing u can change in my script is the TweenDuration amount
remove this
it will stack up the function and make ur function weird
no u see, when the player gets killed by the bigger block, the smaller player actually gets destroyed so it doesnt trigger characteradded like in a good way like heres what happens
put the script i gave u into StarterPlayerScript, idk if that “DeathGui” have “ResetOnSpawn” property enabled which destroys the script and replace it with new
it has resetonspawn bcuz if i turn it off um the camera doesnt work and the gui doesnt destroy
also in the Tween
local Tween1 = TS:Create(MyCam, TweenInfo.new(TweenDuration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = LPlr.Character.Head.CFrame})
change the LPlr.Character.Head.CFrame into LPlr.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame
turns out ur character doesnt have head, but i assume it atleast have PrimaryPart property value