I want camera to move to the side where mouse located but not fully (Like a bit to this side)
I sadly don’t know how to make that
Can you be a little more specific to your question? Do you have any video examples to show us what you’re trying to achieve?
Okay, I want to know how to make somtehing similar like in game “Project Backrooms”
In lobby (where you starting game) are the thing I want to achieve, when you move mouse, camera moves to it a bit
I cant record video because I’m lagging so much that I can’t even normally write
I know this topic is a bit old, but I found a simple solution!
Here is the script, it is located in StarterPlayerScripts:
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.StartCamera.CFrame
while task.wait(0.01) do
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.StartCamera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(-mouse.Y/5000,-mouse.X/5000,0)
Here is the file if you want to check it out:
CameraTest.rbxl (52.8 KB)
Thank you very much, I wanted to know how this work but bad at math
I will try to explain, but I probably won’t do a great job.
and mouse.Y
return their on-screen position so if your screen is 500 pixels mouse.Y
will return a number 0-500. I used that to rotate the camera but since you don’t want to rotate it by 500 degrees I divided it by 5000 which only moves it a tiny bit. In case you didn’t know this part of the code: workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.StartCamera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles()
is just the way to change a CFrames rotation. And this:
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.StartCamera.CFrame
Is just making the camera editable by the client.
Hopfully this made sense, lol.
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