How to make certain players see server-sided developer console?

How to make certain players see server-sided developer console?

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just add them to team create - edit.

If it is to check for errors on the server, you can use ScriptContext.Error to log it onto another GUI when it errors. Otherwise, you would have to give them team create access like @regexman said.

yes im trying to make them be able to see errors from the server side

how do i use ScriptContext.Error exactly?

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  1. The answer to your question is to add the person to Team Create

  2. Depending on the side(Server/Client) that your script is on, ScriptContext.Error captures the errors found on the side of the script(client or server).

Here is an example of ScriptContext.Error:

local ScriptContext = game:GetService('ScriptContext')

ScriptContext.Error:Connect(function(Message, Trace, script)
	print(Message) --// This would be the error reason provided by the script on the entire side of the client or server.
	print(Trace) --// Trace would be the path to find the located script.
	print(script:GetFullName()) --// Name of script that errored.

--# Created Error.
run(true) --// This error would connect to the ScriptContext.Error function and the print would return the reason + trace

You can use the parameters(Message, Trace, script) to your liking.
Please mark this as solution if this helps with your problem :smiley: ! If it doesn’t please inform me if about the problem! :slightly_smiling_face:


hi, thanks for such detailed response :smiley: but i think the argument “script” is overwriting the default variable “script”. Also, can i rename those arguments?

Yes, you can rename the arguments you just need those in the correct order they’re in!

I don’t think the script argument would overwrite the default variable unless you want to access the actually script used, but no need to worry. You can either rename the argument script to a name of your choice or make the default script a variable so at the begging on the script it would be local name = script!

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