How to make CFrame animations?

Hello , i was wondering if there’s any ways to make a cframe animation
for exemple , i’d want my character to T-pose



Are you sure you want to use c-frame? Animations may be a better option for you.
This post might be what you’re looking for if you want to make an animation.


Well i know that way but , was wondering if we could use something like CFrame to make small animations.

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Yes, you can do it via TweenService.

You’re better off doing it by animations however, its much easier since that’s what its intended purpose.

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You can, you just set the CFrame as implied?
Perhaps you’d want to check out Animations instead.
Not quite sure what you’re asking…

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He might be asking the proper way to animate using CFrame in for loops. They’re common in older models such as SCPF doors.

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If you want to get your character to T-Pose, you can use the Motor6D’s transform property. In order to manipulate that specific property, you can do

Motor6D.Transform = Motor6D.Transform * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90))
--This would rotate the right arm up sideways.

To get the character to T-Pose, you could write something like this, making use of the lerp function:

for i=0,1 do
    Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.Transform = Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.Transform:Lerp(*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math,rad(90)),i)
    Character.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.Transform = Character.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.Transform:Lerp(*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math,rad(-90)),i)

In order to get the arms back down again, it is exactly the same, but instead of lerping to*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90)), you would lerp it back to the default CFrame position:

for i=0,1 do
    Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.Transform = Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder.Transform:Lerp(,i)
    Character.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.Transform = Character.LeftUpperArm.LeftShoulder.Transform:Lerp(,i)

Yes there is, though I’m not going to spoon feed you the code for it. Have a look into Motor6D.Transform (linked in the post above mine).

Animations are just relative CFrames stored in key poses. Anything that can be done with the Animation Editor can also be done manually through scripts via editing the Motor6D Transform property.

Not quite sure that’s it. I mean, TweenService is basically the successor to using numeric for loops with CFrames to “tween” and a T-Pose wouldn’t really require any movement except positioning the arms to it.

Also, don’t think anyone knows what you mean when you say “SCP doors”. :wink:


Bad advice, use CFrame:Lerp() instead for animating with Motor6D.


TweenService can be used on Motor6D properties the same way it is capable of tweening other properties towards a specified goal. It’s not appropriate to call someone else’s advice “bad” without providing a rationale for saying so. TweenService can accomplish what Lerp can.


And more: easing style; easing type; and time control. @rawbyte TweenService is more powerful than lerp is some sense because of the presets for things like easing styles and others.


It’s possible, but Motor6D Transform doesn’t replicate, which makes procedural animation cumbersome. You’d have to run the code on Stepped, and on every frame where you want the pose to override whatever the character’s animator is trying to make them do. This is why it’s much easier to just make 1-frame animations and play them with action priority, weighting of 1.


TweenService animations break most of the time when you’re reversing an animation or making a change of the animation in the next part. We can say that both TweenService and Lerp are equal.

Where’s the substance for this remark? If you aren’t seeing errors in your console then it’s not broken, you’re just not using it as intended or your circumstances for it are poor. This is also a very specific case you’re mentioning rather than in general. Would like to see an exact case/repro/video/etc.

TweenService and Lerp are not equal because the former can do what the latter can and more and there may be cases where one is better to use what you want to accomplish than the other. Lerp is strictly a one-time linear interpolation between two points with a given alpha, TweenService handles the smoothing work from you in terms of reaching point A to point B as well as styles.

2 years later and I’m still holding by the same point: TweenService can be used on Motor6D CFrame properties. It’s not necessarily bad advice to suggest its use though it’s not wrong (and I never said it was either) to use Lerp for them too. It depends on your use case, but they are not “equal”.

How I would do it is that I would use the default animation editor, save the animation to a KeyframeSequence, and get the CFrames of all the Poses via the command bar, and then use TweenService or CFrame:Lerp() to tween the Motor6D.Transform Property.

Probably not the best explanation, but I’m not the best at explaining things.