How to make chainmail armor with blender

Hello, I have been searching for hours on how to make proper armors on blender and I cant find any good tutorials. I want to make a static chainmail coif and body chainmail but I have no idea on how to do it (keep in mind this is for R15)

^^^^^ I am trying to create something like these examples.
The only solutions i can think of so far are to make a mesh in blender and appy a texture, but that will look hideous, or maybe im doing it wrong?
And use individual meshes or unions for links and combine them, but that will result in a lot of lag

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You could make the chainmail armor in blender without having to do separate chains.

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The best way i can think of is to use texture for the chainmail but i dont have much experience with them

I meant to make the whole chainmail armor in it (Not textures. You do the whole thing.)

The only issue with making an entire chainmail in Blender, even a single piece Mesh, is the amount of triangles you’ll be making, which will likely still cause some lag.
Your best bet would be to make a Texture, but since I’ve never done one I can’t offer any advice on how to make a good looking one.

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How about you create a shirt that has the chain texture on it, then you add in armors. I don’t know does it work, but hopefully I helped…

Like @Scottify said, creating an actual armor would case a lot of lag. However creating a texture on r15 would just look bad (because the character is blocky). So instead you should either make your game rthro and create a “shirt” texture, or create a mesh for the character’s body and apply the texture to that.

use substance painter for texturing. by default it has very good chainmail textute.

Basically create two toruses then flip one torus as needed decimate some geomtry as well so its not too many polys and make it big so you use less polys then you can import your roblox character into blender then you can use the classic tutorials:

And change as needed to fit your your character and boom ba da memes you’ve made yourself chainmail armor with little effort.

Make sure to decimate geometry of course and shade smooth.