Keep in mind, my character is set to physics/flying mode to avoid having the default character physics which affects forces and makes them seem more unnatural.
As you can see in the video, I have the BodyGyro CFrame set to the point it’s swinging around to help align with the web, and after he passes below it, he’ll turn back around, rather then keep facing in the direction he was. Now in the regular humanoid state, I was able to simply set the maxtorque on the Y axis to 0 and it solved the problem as it had no external forces being applied, but if I try that same thing here, it’ll just start spinning around. I’m thinking maybe using an align orientation, but I’m not quite sure how I’d set that up for a point you swing around.
Furthermore I’ve also tried my hand at procedurally animating the arms to align them with where my character shoots webs at, and even in the regular character state, that somehow exerts some force in the character and makes the character rotate which I don’t want, hopefully this would solve that as well.