I want to make a textlabel that changes color with a wave pattern from left to right
Enable rich text, to customize the text how ever you want.
You could try using a gradient on the text label.
Would this allow me to make a something like this but with a different color such as gold or rainbow
But it has to have a wave pattern effect
Like what @CCTVStudios said you can use ui gradients, you can use a while loop to change the pattern.
Or you could use tween service for a smooth effect!, I think.
Could you show me an example as I have never used ui gradients in a script
If its multiple color I would suggest using a for loop if not you can just set it manually.
local tweenService = game:GetSerivce("TweenService")
local gradient = ...
local offset1 = {Offset = Vector2.new(1, 0)}
local offset2 = {Offset = Vector2.new(0, 0)}
local tween1 = tweenService:Create(gradient, TweenInfo.new(), offset1)
local tween2 = tweenService:Create(gradient, TweenInfo.new(), offset2)
--idk something like this
For what I am trying to make I only need gold and a little darker gold
How would tweezing a textlabel color work?
I meant the UI Gradient object although I am not sure how to do this, maybe just try a for loop like the guy said.
How would I make it go from top to bottom
Change the ‘Rotation’ property of the UIGradient instance.
You should really consult available resources (e.g. developer hub, creator docs, developer forum) before making a thread.
How about making it go from left to right cause I tried it rn and it doesn’t work properly