How to make combos in a combat tool

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I’m trying to make a fist tool that allows for the player to continue a combo if it is clicked again within a certain amount of time.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I’m finding it hard to achieve what I’m looking for. I know it has something to do with “tick()” but my brain hurts just thinking about how that would work. If I click the tool once, establishing the first click time, and then click again, it won’t update a separate 'currentClick" variable, but just overwrite the first click.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve tried looking up “combo” or “combat” on the Dev Hub to no avail. I’ve also tried several times to script my own combo system, but that doesn’t work either. Below is one of my attempts.

	local click = true --Establishing a Clicked variable
	lastTimeM1 = tick()
	combo = combo + 1
	click = false
	if click == true then --Attempting to detect a second click
		currentM1 = tick()
		if currentM1 - lastTimeM1 <= 1.5 then --If time is less than 1.5 seconds
			combo = combo + 1
			if combo == 4 then
				print("Combo Finished!")
				combo = 0
		elseif currentM1 - lastTimeM1 > 1.5 then --If time is greater than 1.5 seconds
			print("Combo Reset!")

I know this isn’t exactly the best script, and I already know that it doesn’t work as intended, but I’m really unsure where to go from here. I’ve looked up YouTube videos, I’ve looked on the forums, and found nothing. I’d like it if someone could explain to me how I would detect the brief period in between clicks to determine if the combo should continue or not.

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I mean you are on the right track, you should be using tick(). I think you just need to update the “CurrentM1” everytime you click [to restart the combo cooldown thing], but after you check the tick() has been under 1.5.

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i created some script few months ago, works fine,

i adapted some stuff, if something goes wrong, tell me

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local D = false -- debounce
local streak = 0 -- combo streak

local ActualTime = nil
local OldTime = nil
local PassedTime = nil

local Attacking1 = false
local Attacking2 = false

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)

	if streak >= 0 and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
		if D == false then			
			D = true			
			ActualTime = time()
			PassedTime = ActualTime - OldTime			
			if PassedTime < 1 then -- IF pASSED time is lesser than 1 then				
				streak = streak + 1	
				print"+1 Streak"				
				streak = 1 -- since it's 0, it will add anyway, this was to prevent some bug where the streak would not count
				OldTime = time() -- This resets the timer cooldown
		else if D == true then -- debounce makes sure you will not spam attacks
				print"Already Attacking, wait a while..."

	if streak == 1 and D == true then  -- Ataque 1
		if Attacking1 == true then
			print"Attack 1 is on the Queue, wait a while"
		if Attacking1 == false then
			ActualTime = time()
			OldTime = time()
			PassedTime = ActualTime - OldTime
			Attacking1  = true

			--Play some animation here
			print"First Attack"

			--Animation.Stopped:Wait()	-- wait until the animation stops, otherwise it may be really weird

			D = false

			Attacking1 = false

	else if streak == 2 and D == true then
			if Attacking2 == true then				
				print"Attack 2 is on the Queue, wait a while"
			if Attacking2 == false then
			ActualTime = time()
			OldTime = time()
			PassedTime = ActualTime - OldTime
			Attacking2  = true
			--Play Animation
			print"Second Attack"		
			D = false	
			Attacking2 = false


looks kinda weird, it was because i dind’t studied everything, i just tried to find the cooldown and i was just messing up with tick and time and replacing stuff

Ended up using Time(), since i saw posts in devforum where they said Tick() was getting deprecated, that’s why i was using Time()

Tried it out, got the error: “attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on number and nil” referring to line 23. I think it’s because OldTime wasn’t set yet.

maybe this was the issue, i wrote nil, instead of 0

local ActualTime = 0
local OldTime = 0
local PassedTime = 0