How to make custom chat have multiple lines?

I’ve scripted a custom chat system, but I do not know how to get messages to have multiple lines like this:

This is what happens when I type out a really long message, it just scales:

if i am not wrg thr is a TextWrapped property of the TextLabel that allows texts to be on multiple lines

Tried that, just goes on for one line

try enabling textwrapped tgt with richtext and textscaled

That sort of works, still unreadable though

one possible way is uncheck the TextScaled (keep TextWrapped and RichText) and manually give ur text a readable font size. Then set the AutomaticSize property of the TextLabel in the Y direction.

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Problem: When I send another message, it is obstructed by the previous one.

not sure how ur chat sys works but u can consider using ui list layout to arrange all the text msgs