How to make custom mouse icon?

Hi, I’m trying to make a custom mouse icon, and I don’t know how to do it or how to start. Any help please?


This can probably be found using a simple Google search,
but you can set a custom mouse icon using the Mouse.Icon property( in a local script)

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = " Id goes here)"

To design a mouse icon, I would make the mouse icon around 64x64 pixels( as that is the defualt mouse icon’s size), then upload it as a decal/image

If there is a problem with the mouse icon not loading correctly or at all, set the mouse icon to a image label first then copy the asset ID from it, to get the working asset ID

You can find the default mouse icon here:



You could set the mouse icon to,
Mouse.Icon = ‘’
to get it back to default, but when lets say you hover over a textbutton or image button, it will auto change the mouse icon, what you could do is set an image label’s position to the mouse’s position in a renderstep loop.

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Is there some kind of “HoverMouse” icon that I can change?

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If your talking about hovering over a button, then use

--change your mouse icon

and then use MouseLeave to go back to your old icon

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This won’t work as well as you hope. The Gui Engine internally overwrites the mouse icon with the hover cursor and has higher precedence when setting it. You need to create a custom mouse icon using Gui objects for this. The ScreenGui that contains the custom mouse objects should have the highest DisplayOrder of any of your Guis.

Careful when making a custom mouse icon though. For security reasons, developer Guis do not render over CoreGuis (menu, purchase prompts, so on). If you disable the native mouse, it could make interacting with these Guis slightly more difficult.