How to make custom points (For trains)

Hello Peps!

Today I wanted to show you guys how to make custom train points, using @NWSpacek train tracks.

  • If you don’t know what points are there these things.

The videos are there to help people if there stuck or generally, curious.

  • First thing we need to do is grab NWSpacek train track kit.
    Link Below
    Railroad Train & Track Pack - Roblox

  • Next what we need to do is find the points in the track kit

  • After that we can move everything else away
    robloxapp-20201011-0947259.wmv (536.8 KB)

  • Next grab the one you need and zoom in (Press F on your keyboard), and open it up in Explorer

  • Select all the tracks by clicking the top hold down shift and scroll down to the bottom, then click there to then find your track before we delete, click whilst holding down Ctrl, then finally can press Backspace on your Keyboard.

Points Tutorial2

  • Once you have done all that we can start to delete stuff
    (use this side)

    When you start to pull it a part be careful since you don’t want to ruin it (If you do I won’t be mad just do Ctrl Z (Undo). Follow the video if your a bit stuck.
    robloxapp-20201011-1011011.wmv (3.7 MB)
Different Types!

Here are 3 Examples, the middle one, is the one I showed you guys.


Hey! Thanks for the tutorial! This is really cool. One thing when looking through the post is this annoying part with the blur:

Sorry if I sound like a pain but any chance you can remove that blur?


Sure thing, I will remove the blur.

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Is the train included with the rails? :wink:

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Sorry no, but there are trains in the toolbox.