How to make custom text scaling system

I want a system that works similar to TextScaled but with TextSize. So I have a ui with AutomaticSize if i set textscaled it becomes TOO BIG and if I dont use it for phones it becomes too small and for xbox and big pcs it becomes too small. So yea thats all.

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Try using TextScaled but inserting a UiTextSizeConstraint into your UI element, then changing the max size. This should make the text readable for smaller devices but not make it too large.


You should use TextBounds instead of size constraints. Also check what device the user is using for even more accuracy.

Why not use size constraints?

Size constraints are very limited and can get messy in some situations, this is because the max largest text size for the constraint is only 100 which can be a problem on larger displays.

@2jammers and @Avcd_o you see both of ur ideas of size constraints arent that effective. My screen is 1920x1080 but in roblox studio that comes down to roughly 1213x910 and as I have automatic size at Y it would scale the text to the max value aka the UTSC (short for UiTextSizeConstraint). So scripts > UTSC.