How to make debris

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I Want to make an debris like that but i dont got any idea on how to make it and how to start.

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I think you easily would be able to find a great tutorial on YouTube explaining everything, including where to start and what to do.

bro, the reason of why this forum exists is for finding help, why u taking me to go to youtube to find an tutorial abt it? and i already tried to search for it but i just found things that wasnt relevant.

Hey chill a little, I’ve just experienced that things like this are much easier to find on YouTube, usually you don’t get a lot of response here on DevForum, or it just takes a long time to find someone who actually can help. But with YouTube you can easily get step by step help and it’s just much faster. I was just sharing my personal opinion.

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what do you mean they’re irrelevant? this isnt the website for begging to make scripts for you, there’s like multiple different tutorials on youtube that explain how exactly it is done, here one of them:

it’s as simple as raycasting forward in a numeric loop multiplying it each time and spawning debris there.

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Exactly! So you can basically find anything on there @chaxaka

Very… weird responses here.

Anyways this usually varies by implementation but it basically always involves spawning parts in either a set pattern or procedurally (usually with mathematical formulas)


bro, i dont nobody to make scripts for me, im just waiting for someone to teach me how to make that.

i mean “not relevant” because the video literally is not teaching me anything, nothing talking about the functions and etc.

Maybe watch a tutorial about raycasting, maybe he doesnt teach you but by upping ur knowledge maybe then u know how to recreate that. Anyone with some raycasting knowledge should be able to understand that video. This video