I’ve made it to where a crowbar can break the wooden planks successfully when you touch it. The thing now is that since I have decals on the wooden planks, they don’t disappear along with the parts, is there anything that I can implement to the script so the decals go away too?
You can simply loop through the children of the part and check if it’s a Texture or Decal.
What would that look like? Sorry, I don’t have that much knowledge in scripting
You could just reference through all of the Decals inside a loop when the Touched event is called successfully:
for _, Object in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if Object:IsA("Decal") then
Decal.Transparency = 1 --I forgot the transparency property for the Decal
Basically, Object
would be the current object inside the first loop, then the second time it loops it would be referenced as a different Object
This is simply known as a for i, v in pairs
loop which iterates through the entire table of objects & checking if each object is exact to what you want
function ontouch(hit)
local CrowbarKey = hit:FindFirstChild('CrowbarKey')
if not CrowbarKey then return end
script.Parent.Transparency = 1
script.Parent.CanCollide = false
for _, decal in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if decal:IsA('Decal') or decal:IsA('Texture') then
decal.Transparency = 1
Thank you!! It worked exactly how I wanted it to