How to make Fading GUI with ProximityPrompt

How to make a Fading GUI with ProximityPrompt

Hello developers/scripters,

I spent a few hours looking at how to create a Fading GUI with ProximityPrompt. There was nothing to see. So I ask you if you have found something or show a script that answers the question

This is an example of what I want: If you press and hold E you will be teleported somewhere with a fading gui (with an open and closed). How am I going to do it?

  1. What do you want to achieve? ProximityPrompt with a Fading gui.

  2. What is the issue? Can’t find any tutorial how to do it.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Find it on DevForum, Youtube.

this is the script of the ProximityPrompt V

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent
	player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = workspace.Destination.Position -- Change "Teleportpart" To your part name

And this is what it does.

Just use remote events, when the prompt is activated, it fires the remote event to the client, and the gui displays on that client.

Could you maybe send me a video of it?

local Tweens = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Prompt = script.Parent

	local Frame = Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame
	local Tween = Tweens:Create(Frame,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, true), {BackgroundTransparency = 1})





Hello there, thanks for showing me but it’s not exactly what I wanted, The thing what i want is if you hold down on the proximity prompt then it will fade in/out! But now you see the gui and then it goes out and then in if you hold the proximity prompt.

It was just an example, you should be able to modify what I’ve provided to achieve that.

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Alright, i’ll try to modify it.