How to make Footstep sounds based on Material?

I’ve been doing some research on how to create material based footsteps for a couple of hours now and I haven’t gotten anywhere, most tutorials are outdated or just don’t work well. I also tried editing the RbxCharacterSounds script in the player scripts but what I was doing didn’t work well. Anyone know any good tutorials or posts or anything to help?

check the player humanoid FloorMaterial and do it by that

to add to what @PostVivic said, try getting the floor material, then clone, or a sound for the client only using a localscript, or use a remote event and connect the sound to the player’s humanoid root part or something like that.

I used floor material and the playing feature of sounds to get it to work and have a proper interval between playing the sounds, I also did the server sound stuff. Its a little glitchy but I can fix that, thanks for the help!

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