How to make function work anywhere in the script

while the title may not be really understandable, what i mean is that i want a function that can work in other functions, even though it is listed after them
so lets just say i want a function called function 2 be used during function 1

function function1()
function function2()
    -- something here i dunno

now this will obviously give an error since, well, the function2 is still not made during function1, so… how would i go about making it usable during function1?

sorry for the unreadableness of this lol!! really dont know how to explain it.


It still does work if the function2 is initialized.


function function1()
function1() -- errors: "Attempt the index nil"

function function2()
    print("Hello World!")
function1() -- prints "Hello World!"
function function2()


function function1()

If you do not use the local keyword when creating the function, it will become a global function. This means it can be used from anywhere in the script.

When something is local, it is only relevant to that stack of code. For example:

local function something()
    local name = "Bob"
    print(name) --> "Bob"

print(name) --> "nil"

Now, since we used the local keyword, name will only be local to that function “something”, hence why it would output nil when printed outside of it.

However, if we made name global:

local function something()
    name = "Bob"

print(name) --> "Bob"

it can be used from anywhere in the script, even outside of that particular function it was defined in.

So, if you want to make a function callable from anywhere in the script, just make it global.
foo() --this will not error as "foo" is global
bar() --this will error as "bar" is not global and is relative to where it was defined, in this case anywhere below its definition

function foo()

local function bar()

foo() --this will not error
bar() --this will not error as it is calling a function below where it is defined

Basically, the example you gave would work, because function2 is a global function. You just didn’t realise it.

But, it might just be best to put that function at the top of the script, in your functions category, and make it local (however you organise your scripts).

huh, i thought ive already tried making a local function. welp ill try it again, thanks for the responce

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The code in your original post is how you would make a global function (function that works anywhere in the script)

no it didnt work. now it just says “unknown global function”

Did you make it a local function, always above where you are calling it from?

i cant make it above the other function because it messes up some other stuff.

Did you make it a global function or not?

function thisIsAGlobalFunction()

yeah, all of the functions are global.

Can you send the code snippet please?

nevermind, i think it works now. i think there was something else messing it up a bit.

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Alright, let me know if you have any further questions! If that’s all, make sure to mark this topic as solved so it can close.