Hi, i’m having problems with making this relative to part in workspace, script:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local grid = 4
local function OnRound(n:number,m:number)
local x = n + (m/2)
return x-(x%m)
mouse.TargetFilter = workspace.Block
local clone = workspace.Block:Clone()
clone.Name = "Placed"
clone.Parent = workspace
clone.CanCollide = true
this is local sript that imitates grid placing system, but it’s only world space, anyone know how to snap it to other parts in workspace?
To make the grid placement relative to another part in the workspace, you can use the mouse.Target property to get the part that the mouse is hovering over, and then position the new part relative to that part’s position.
Here’s an updated script that should work:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local grid = 4
local function OnRound(n, m)
local x = n + (m / 2)
return x - (x % m)
mouse.TargetFilter = workspace.Block
-- Calculate the snapped position based on the grid size
local hit = mouse.Target
if hit then
local snappedPos = Vector3.new(
OnRound(hit.Position.X, grid),
OnRound(hit.Position.Y, grid),
OnRound(hit.Position.Z, grid)
-- Position the clone relative to the hit part
clone.Position = snappedPos + Vector3.new(grid / 2, grid / 2, grid / 2)
local hit = mouse.Target
if hit then
local clone = workspace.Block:Clone()
clone.Name = "Placed"
clone.Parent = workspace
clone.CanCollide = true
-- Position the clone relative to the hit part
local snappedPos = Vector3.new(
OnRound(hit.Position.X, grid),
OnRound(hit.Position.Y, grid),
OnRound(hit.Position.Z, grid)
clone.Position = snappedPos + Vector3.new(grid / 2, grid / 2, grid / 2)
This should snap the new part to the grid, with its position relative to the part that the mouse is hovering over.
Note that this solution may not work; it is just a suggestion for you to fix the code. I did not test those codes or methods before posting this. Feel free to reply to this thread and ask for more help if needed.
soo i need to first convert mouse position relative to the grid part position, then convert this relative position into snapped position, after that convert it to vvorld space and then i get result?
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local function OnSnap(n,m)
return math.floor(n/m+0.5)*m
local function OnVector(Pos)
local x
local y
local z
x = OnSnap(Pos.X,4)
y = OnSnap(Pos.Y,4)
z = OnSnap(Pos.Z,4)
return Vector3.new(x,y,z)
local function OnAsync(cf: CFrame)
local objectSpace = cf:ToObjectSpace(workspace.Part.CFrame)+ Vector3.new(0,workspace.Block.Size.Y/2,0)
local relativeSnapped = OnVector(objectSpace)
local CFr = CFrame.new(relativeSnapped)
local world = CFr:ToWorldSpace(objectSpace)
return world
local relative = OnAsync(mouse.Hit)
workspace.Block.Position = relative.Position
it doesn’t vvorked and sorry i’m vvriting tvvo v because my key are broken
local block = script.Block
block.Parent = game.Workspace
function snap(n: number, gridSize: number): number
return math.floor(n/gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize
function snapV3(v: Vector3, gridSize: number): Vector3
return Vector3.new(snap(v.X, gridSize), snap(v.Y, gridSize), snap(v.Z, gridSize))
function snapV3Relative(relativeTo: CFrame, v: Vector3, gridSize: number): Vector3
local relativeV = relativeTo:PointToObjectSpace(v)
local snappedV = snapV3(relativeV, gridSize)
local unRelativeSnappedV = relativeTo:PointToWorldSpace(snappedV)
return unRelativeSnappedV
function snapV3ToPart(relativeTo: BasePart, v: Vector3, gridSize: number): Vector3
return snapV3Relative(relativeTo.CFrame, v, gridSize)
function withoutTranslation(cf: CFrame): CFrame
return cf - cf.Position
local GRID_SIZE = 4
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.TargetFilter = block
local hit = mouse.Hit
local target = mouse.Target
if not target then return end
block.CFrame = withoutTranslation(target.CFrame) + snapV3ToPart(target, hit.Position, GRID_SIZE)
a:ToObjectSpace(b) does NOT convert a to the object space of b. It converts b to the object space of a. So
local objectSpace = workspace.Part.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(cf)
would be the way to convert the cf to the Parts object space. Or "cf relative to Part".