Hi there. I need help on how to make group based team pick. Im very bad at scripting. I dont need the whole script because it would be a “spoon feeding” i just need help on how to make that script. i will read all the replies.
Hello, what you would need to do is make and if statement to check if the player is in group for example:
groupId = "" -- declare the groupId as a var
if game.Players.LocalPlayer:IsInGroup(groupId) then -- checks if the player is in group using this method
-- Set the player team here to the team you want.
You can do player:IsInGroup(Id)
to check if the player is in the group and use Instance.new("Team")
to create a new team.
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Its not working like that, do you want him to create a new team every time a player is in the group?
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maybe it could be done with uh some like player/client team = team color or smth
Yeah… Thats what you need to do:
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team = hello
What do you mean “Team Pick”??
i mean changing team of the player if he is in the group