How to make Income change on signal while repeating

  1. What do you want to achieve?

I want the value of incoming income to change when the signal is stronger and repeat filling on to the income. image but I can’t find a way for the script to detect when the signal is stronger whilst repeating the income. Ive tried doing the “Repeat until” with “if statments” inside but the script continues with the same income regardless if the signal is changed.



local Parent = script.Parent
local Start = Parent.Start

local Signals = { 

	Weak = Parent.NumberImage.Signals.Signal2,
	Mid = Parent.NumberImage.Signals.Signal3,
	Strong = Parent.NumberImage.Signals.Signal4


local Upgrades = Parent.Upgrades
local IncomeValue = Parent.NumberImage.IncomeDisplay.Available
local LastRate = Parent.NumberImage.RateNum.LastRate

-- Out Of workspace
local ReplicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage

-- Other

	if Upgrades.Entry.Value == true then -- Entry meaning lvl 1
		print("Starting Money")
			local EntryIncome = math.random(0,10)/10

			IncomeValue.Value += EntryIncome
			LastRate.Value = EntryIncome
		until Start["On/Off"].Value == false


Put the increment amount into a table indexed by signal strength.

signalIncrement = {
    Strong = 30,
    Mid = 20,
    Weak = 10
			local EntryIncome = signalIncrement[currentSignalStrength] or math.random(0,10)/10

			IncomeValue.Value += EntryIncome
			LastRate.Value = EntryIncome
		until Start["On/Off"].Value == false

Something like this.

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Its okay I found a solution, thank you for trying to help.