How to make initial animation transition smooth

I am trying to make it so the player’s transition to the start of the animation is smooth, issue is I have no clue how
Said Animation:

Script that plays animation (dumbed down version):

local Animations = {}
local AnimBusy = false


--Wait until tool is equiped
local Character = script.Parent.Parent
if Character.Humanoid.RigType ~= Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
	warn("Invalid RigType (R6)")
for _, v in pairs(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Anims", 1):GetChildren()) do
	Animations[v.Name] = Character.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(v)
--Tool Logic
	if not AnimBusy then
		AnimBusy = true
		AnimBusy = false



not sure what you mean, but easingstyles and easingdirections, mess with those

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In the video when the animation starts the player snaps to the keyframe positions, I want it to smoothly go to those keyframe positions

this is because at the start of the animation you added an empty keyframes that affect all of the player’s body parts which is unnecessary, remove it and see what happens

I do this and the animation bounces some parts are smooth others aren’t

wdym bounces? what is the easingstyle for the animation?

Bounce may not be the right word but it still isn’t smooth and easingstyle is unrelated as the issue is at the beginning of the animation when the character goes from roblox’s default idle/walking animations to my animation; it feels like it just snaps and I’m going for a smooth animation here

If I did understand right you want to make animation fade in to the positions
you can use fadingtime to do that.

Animation:Play(fadingTime, weight, speed)
AnimationTrack | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If you increase the fadingTime like 2, it will go to the positions in 2 seconds but if you want to use easing for it you got to make another animation for equipping

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I had tried doing fade time earlier but thought the argument for Play was Play(weight, fadingtime, speed)

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