So I have a script that does stuff with numbers.
And the number can become like:
I want it to only display lets say:
Which would be the first decimal of the number. Anyway to do this?
So I have a script that does stuff with numbers.
And the number can become like:
I want it to only display lets say:
Which would be the first decimal of the number. Anyway to do this?
i haven’t tested this fully, but:
function SingleDecimal(n)
return math.floor(n * 10) / 10
local Result = SingleDecimal(3.358977707997)
This worked first try ngl!
I’d recommend subtracting the remainder of number/0.1 from the number. Remainder can be found with the modulus, so number = number - (number%0.1)
. Alternatively, if you want to round the number instead of just chopping off the last decimal, you can use this round function I made:
local function round(num, near)
return (num + near/2) - ((num + near/2) % near)
Edit: solved right as I replied.
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