Hey guys, i’m trying to figure out how to get items into this bag, so when the zombie dies it drops a bag and you can click on it. But how do i make it so i can transfer loot from the bag? I can’t seem to make it so anything is in the bag in the first place
yes exactly, how do i do this?
Transfer the personal tools that kill to Lighting
If the victor touches the bag, the bag’s tools are displayed on the screen
The victor chooses what tools he needs
Sorry if my writing contains errors, I do not speak English
You can use ModuleScript
for this, so you can reuse it in any Script
Create ModuleScript
and name it “BagSystem”, once your done with that, put this code; make sure to put it in the ReplicatedStorage
local module = {} -- Create a table
function module:pickup(player, bag) -- Create a new function that requires both player and bag object
for _, item in pairs(bag.Storage:GetChildren()) do -- Get all the ObjectValue children
(item.Value):Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Clone value to the player's backpack
bag:Destroy() -- Destroy the bag, since we picked it up
function module:drop(position, items) -- Create a new function that requires position which is vector3 and items which is a table
local bag = script.Bag:Clone() -- Clone the bag
local storage = Instance.new("Folder") -- Create a new folder, this is where we gonna store the item that suppose to be in the bag
storage.Name = "Storage" -- Rename it to "Storage"
storage.Parent = bag -- Put the folder in the bag
for _, item in pairs(items) do -- Get all the items from the table
local obj = Instance.new("ObjectValue") -- Create a new object value, this is where we gonna store the location of each item
obj.Value = item -- Set the value of the object value to the item
obj.Parent = storage -- Put the object value in the storage folder
local input = Instance.new("ProximityPrompt") -- Create new ProximityPrompt
input.ActionText = "Pickup" -- Set the action text to "Pickup"
input.ObjectText = "Bag" -- Set the object text to "Bag"
input.HoldDuration = 1 -- Set the hold duration; for this example it's set to 1
input.MaxActivationDistance = 8 -- Set the max activation distance; for this example it's set to 8
input.Triggered:Connect(function(player) -- Once the ProximityPrompt is triggered
input.Enabled = false -- Prevent players from using it again
self:pickup(player, bag) -- Call the pickup function that is located in this module
input.Parent = bag -- Put ProximityPrompt in the bag
bag.Position = position -- Set the position of the bag to vector3 that some script has passed to us
bag.Parent = workspace -- Put the bag in the workspace
return module -- Return the module so we can require it
Be aware that we gonna use
for this, instead ofClickDetector
, as it’s more suitable for this purpose.
Now you got the module, create a Script
and name it whatever you want; place it in the ServerScriptService
and put this code.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Get ReplicatedStorage through GetService()
local BagSystem = require(ReplicatedStorage.BagSystem) -- Require our module, so we can use it
BagSystem:drop(Vector3.new(5, 5, 5), {ReplicatedStorage.Items.MoneyStack}) -- Call drop function so we spawn a bag with items and in the specified by us location
Now once you are done with that, create a Folder
called “Items” and place it in the ReplicatedStorage
; make sure to put all the Tools
that you want to be dropped and picked up in there; also make sure to put the bag MeshPart
under the BagSystem
module and also don’t forget to unanchor it and make it collidable, otherwise; everything should look like this.
The final result should look like this.
So this is how you create a bag system. I hope you learned something today, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to do, otherwise; happy coding .
If you can’t get it work, here is the fully working example that I made: BagSystemExample.rbxl (49.3 KB) .
damn, i cant seem to get your example to work, i’m no good at coding seems so complex, just kind of need the foundations but your one doesnt seem to be working
Can you try to play test and look at the example that I had attached?
I played the one you attached, doesnt seem to be working no gui comes up
Its because ProximityPrompt
is a beta feature. You can go to the File
> Beta Features
and you can enable it.
You any intrested in trying to make a game together or atleast a project lol
Sorry I don’t have a time for other things as I am busy with my 2 games, and the second one is under development. But I may help you in free time.
Okay no worries, where abouts would i change what the bag would drop?
BagSystem:drop(YourZombieMode.PrimaryPart.Position, {ReplicatedStorage.Items.MoneyStack})
The first argument
, is where you pass the position of where the bag will drop.
nevermind i found it, how would i put multiple items to drop?
Oh I read your question wrong. The second argument
BagSystem:drop(YourZombieMode.PrimaryPart.Position, {item1, item2, item3})
In the table you will put the location of each item, for example: {ReplicatedStorage.Items.Gun}
you can add more by adding comma and putting another location {ReplicatedStorage.Items.Gun, ReplicatedStorage.Items.Water}
You forgot to put )
after }
Sweeet now i got it working, how would i integrate it into killing and zombie or something and it dropping from the corpse
Could explain more on what you mean?
if i was to kill him how would i make it so he would drop the bag