How to make launcher like in The Classic?

Hi, I’ve got all free items in the event, but because of that I meet a new question. How can I make a launcher that will drop collectable item? (It also should to award a badge)

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Launcher? as in a rocket launcher or what?

The launcher like in The Classic, The Hunt and Metaverse that will drop an collectable item.

Can you send a screenshot of what it is? Do you want a launcher to be like, it clones a tool and that tool falls, and you collect it, or what exactly? Thanks!

Yeah, I want to make this thing.

  1. It should to be like rocket launcher
  2. It should to drop an item when you use it.
  3. It should to give the badge when you touch the dropped item.
  4. The drop should to be automatically removed.

just make a tool, a remote event and fire the remote event when activated, and when server event spawn a part (u can make it so it fires with a velocity) that has a script in it so when collided with a player, award a badge, if u want it to have some kind of reward then add it on the badge script too,

I’ve tried to make a script that will do smth when tool is activated, but it’s not doing anything.