How to make main menu appear after the loading screen loads?

Hello devs, I need help regarding main menu appearing after the “Custom Loading screen” loads.

My Loading screen has a gradient that moves and has a pyramid shape in the centre which rotates like a buffering ring and it looks like this:

Now, I want the main GUI where players can play around with in-game options, to appear after the Loading screen loads. How can I do that?

I’m not a scripter, so please tell me step-by-step on how to do it. Please?

:memo: - Harmony


next time when posting pls check on forums or yt

Is there a script that you could you show us a screenshot of?

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Zindex may be the way to go here.

You should’ve consulte the developer hub before posting. There is a full tutorial on how to do it if you don’t know. Actually you can use ReplicatedFirst to do this through the function ReplicatedFirst:RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen(), the custom loading screen should be in the PlayerGui and using game:IsLoaded() you can know when to remove the loading screen:

The tutorial: Custom Loading Screens (