How to make map atmosphere look foggy from far away and blue?

Hi there can anybody tell me what properties I should configure to get an effect similar to the one in the images? Since I have been testing around with the lighting for a few hours now.

Like if you look in the image below the mountains in the background are blurry and blue.

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Use the atmosphere instance and configure density and offset to your liking.
Make sure to have a sky instance as well or the atmosphere will not render.

ok thanks but how to make the atmosphere more blue?

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Use sky textures with a primarily blue color scheme. The atmosphere instance effectively uses the skybox as the “fog” instead of allowing you to color it manually.

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am very sorry but how do I use sky textures? Is it by changing the skybox?

Yes. For an example of how this works, use the default skybox and mess with the instance properties.

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