How to make more rubux

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    So i want to make more rubux of my game because i’m not at the level like top 1k experience

  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    Players are not buying the gamepasses i have made

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    Made more gamepasses advertise the gamepasses more in my lobby

So ye does any one have an idea how i can make more money of my roblox game?

Game link: Survive Flight 871 [HARD mode UPDATE] - Roblox


i’ve actually played this game with my friend, @TheNilodatt, and we thought this game was like a troll game. if your really being serious you need to up your game. i think that its not really well made.

and most of the gamepasses, don’t even do really anything, except something for like 2 minutes the autogun and the minigun just bug the game really badly. and vip really won’t help anything within the game. as it’s just really boring after playing the game.

your game doesn’t have a game loop. its just surviving the game and then your done. like an obby. you need to add more. and have something that can motivate the player to buy a gamepass.

your 2x wood game pass doesn’t even work well cause you already get so much wood in like 2 minutes.

overall your game isn’t good for game passes, and should just rely on premium payouts, as your already keeping people in the game crafting weapons


your game is fine but you should try advertising it


to get more money he needs to have a good game, it looks like he’s using free models.

and all he does is have game passes everywhere. to compete with the other games, there needs to be something special. one thing is like randomly generating places or something like that.

you know what’s crazy is that he is making a lot of visits and active players than actual good games.

this reply isn’t for anything criticizing, I’m trying to do constructive criticism


i’ve actually played this game with my friend @Kevinsteo , and we thought this game was like a troll game. if your really being serious you need to up your game. i think that its not really well made.

What i would suggest is adding ads in the game
just search in toolbox(like u did for ur entire game) for “ad”
and there should be some billboards and a game tp
from that you can get robux from roblox if players look at them/ tp into the game

the model looks like this:
or this


This is the last thing you should be focusing on at all. Focus on actually making your game good and then worry about monetization.


i haven’t used any free mdoels at all, why do you think i used free mdoels? i hired a dude for half the gui thats mabye why?


about the free mdoels, i haven’t used a singel thing from toolbox so i’m wondering what things it seems are free models?


you got ripped off mate :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


oh ye um the good things are him the bad basic ui is me


Do the ads show other games or just our game like the game that its in?


they show other games + some real life ads

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Then how is that even a tip to add ads into your game that show ads of other games or irl ads?

Just make gamepasses relevant to the game and make sure they all actually do something. Another thing is dont shove all the gamepasses in the players’ face, it likely will discourage them. Instead, work on making less advertisements but make the purchase buttons more attractive to a player. If you really need to, lower the prices on the gamepasses so its a good deal for players who may not have much to spend

Also add dev products

you get a payout from roblox if somebody looks at that ad

give more context pls when u say looks at the at, do u mean if they just stand near the thing and make their character face it or what?

They have to look at the ad for a few seconds with their camera for you to get a payout