How to make mouse move with screen?

To those who I’ve seen before on my posts (which I post WAY more than I should), hello!

To those who haven’t seen me, I need help with something.

I am trying to make my mouse move with my screen but I don’t know exactly how. I haven’t tried anything yet because I just felt dumbfounded trying to figure it out. I thought at first I could do lookVector but that isn’t really with cameras.

The mouse should move slightly with the screen, so the mouse can move freely, but the camera is locked onto a part and can move the mouse freely, and to look around you drag your mouse to a certain area. That’s what I’m trying to achieve.

I don’t want it to drag down, I just want it to be movement on its own. If anyone can recommend any articles about it or some wait I can do that, that would be great.

I remember this one really weird topic where a really cool function was introduced where you could raycast from the screen’s in-world-position to the mouse position, but I forgot where it is. Maybe this can help you: Camera | Roblox Creator Documentation

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I read the article… I couldn’t really understand how to use it though, the code was gibberish to me. Do you have anything else maybe?

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Since Rays are deprecated now I don’t think you should use it either way, but other than that I have no resources other than that mystery topic I looked at a while ago. I hope you find an answer soon.

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