How to make my car suspension better?

My suspension for my cat is very buggy, here is a list of problems that I don’t know how to fix.

  1. Turning right can make the cart fall over. However this doesn’t apply to the left side.
  2. It’s way to jittery, and slow.
  3. The front springs have to be adjusted because they get weighed down for some reason.

Here’s a video of the issues


For one, the player is more on the left so the car will be unbalanced. Try setting the character to massless. Also can you show the properties?

The character is massless, And here are the properties.

Welds and attachments



Back springs

Don’t make your wheels Balls. That means there’s only a tiny point of ground contact, so your friction has no chance of keeping you driving properly. Try Cylinders for your wheels instead.

Why do you have 6 springs? You should only need 1 vertical spring for each wheel for the suspension.

In your speed boost script how are you increasing the car’s speed? If you have too much MotorMaxTorque your wheels will spin uncontrollably.
I also start with a low MotorMaxAcceleration and increase it gradually until the car drives smoothly and realistically. If it’s too high it’s like stomping your foot on the gas every time you want to accelerate and the wheels will spin and lose traction.

Alright, I’ll try that after school.

Okay I did what you recommended, but its still very wobble and stiff. Here’s a video.

Okay, I’ve gotten a stable system, but the weird turning right thing still applies. Any thoughts on how to fix it?

Edit: I think i found this issue
Screenshot 2024-08-07 213107