How to make my game lighter with dark Sky?

Hi! In my Roblox game I want to change the sky to be a darker sky - but when I do, my tower turns darker as well. I want my tower to be as light as when I use the default sky, but when I use a darker custom sky - how can I achieve this?

Light tower, default sky:

Dark tower, custom sky:

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

Have you tried simply changing the Brightness property in Lighting?

Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it and it doesn’t really do much. Any other ideas?

You can mess with the Ambience, OutdoorAmbience, and ExposureCompensation.

However, as I’ve found, that can mess up the lighting of characters and general models when it comes to a consistent saturation/color.

I recommend making the time of day set to mid-day or something close, and then changing the skybox to be dark enough, but I haven’t tried this extensively. With that ‘solution’ though means that you don’t have stars in the sky I think.

Lighting issues in dark places has been a nightmare for me. Hope that helps. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you! This helped me solve it! :slight_smile:

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