How to make my game not boring

Hi guys, I’m writing this because I feel like my game is very boring. I am a scripter, not a game designer, so I don’t really know how to make my game fun.

Right now I am making a PVE zombie game and the objective is to survive waves of zombies until everyone dies. The main objective is to protect the generator, but if everyone dies then the game is over and the round restarts. Each wave gets harder (zombies do more damage, are faster, and have more health, and there are more of them).

I have a variety of weapons like guns, melees, bombs, and even a sentry gun. You can buy these at the shop at the center of the map.

I also have a building tool and players can build defenses or bases to protect the generator or themselves.

Here’s a video of the gameplay (sorry for music playing I forgot to turn it off): ices6t

Yes, I know there are a few bugs here and there and I’m going to fix them. I also honestly don’t think the night vision is a good idea, and I plan on removing that too.

btw, I gave myself 20,000 credits so I can buy everything but the players spawn with 500, so it might be that I can get everything on demand without grinding for it, so it feels boring.

I understand that there are biases when it comes to my perspective of the game, like I have spent a lot of time playing it myself so it got boring, or I haven’t played it with anyone else yet, but I still feel like my game is very boring and I don’t really enjoy it myself.

I heard something about unpredictability making games fun, but I don’t really know how to implement that in my game.

Also, I suck at map building and I can’t afford to pay anyone to build a map. Does anyone have suggestions on how to make my game more interesting? I would really appreciate it.


try playing your game on an alt (actual going through gameplay) and seeing what needs changed and added to make your game less boring.