How to make neighbouring transparent parts look like 1 part

I have a parts that are right next to each other and are transparent. The only thing is that it creates a grid like effect which I don’t want, any ideas on how to make it look like one part?


what I want it to look like:

It has to be multiple parts as I want parts closer to the player to be transparent, like a fog effect

I don’t know if this is possible, but what I do know is that’s a really cool idea. Maybe just try using the fog system though.

If your taking about the lighting fog system then no, I dont wanna use that. But I may have found a really unconventional way of doing it by using the transparent glass glitch

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Bare in mind due to the way that lighting is calculated, translucent parts are not very performant. So be a little wary of having too many of them in your game. However as it has already been mentioned, I do not think that it is possible to do that with just parts.

It may be possible to do something with blender and animating the transparency there, however I have very limited experience with it.


Just dont have them touch each other, and your effect would work, you dont even have to do coding.
The darker egdes are cause by them overlapping and therefore having a darker color, if you just have them slightly spaced far apart enough then this should work(?)

no this still causes some parts to be darker, I want it to be a uniform colour

oh, I thought you wanted it to be a relatively blocky style (where the parts further away would be darker, closer would be lighter, or would it be the opposite?) If you want a smooth fog effect you might wanna use something other then parts

I believe he was referring to the fog particle emitter.


I want to be able to change the individual blocks transparency, this will just make them into one piece

Wait actually explain why you want to do that, because if you want to make a fog, try just putting big pieces of those stuff next to each other, the transition might be more subtle but it works

Im pretty sure if you use the correct material this would work, but I am using blender right now so I cant really test that

I’m trying to make a fog of war effect like in world of warcraft or starcraft

Try using the glass material, when it is somewhat transparent (transparency > 0), it will make antyhing transparent behind it invisible.
I think that would work for ur effect

I am kinda doing that right now, however I am using a glitch to create the effect so I only need 1 big fog part. Though this does mean I won’t be able to change the color of certain parts after i walk through them

glitch example/tutorial:

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I think I actually have an easier solution for you. Basically, just make a circle (or a cube-like circular thingie), and then put it around the player, however, make it inside out, so the players sees the effect from the inside, this way, the range would always be the same and itll take only 1 fog part per player

I do not udnerstand how you plan to use only 1 fog part tbh