How to make neon parts have texture

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)

I am trying to replicate this neon effect from yba, you can see it has some kind of texture even tough it is neon

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)

I can’t seem to find any solution to how I can do this

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

I tried using surface apearances but these seem to remove the neon like effect and I tried using normal textures but these dont wrap well around non square objects

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It`s a decal that is lighten up strongly, maybe you can place a spotlight above the decal with a big brightness, it can give you a neon effect you need

I tried this but I don’t really like spotlights and it does not look how I want it, I dont think they did it this way either

You can set the colour of the decal larger than the 255,255,255 value to create a glowing effect. Try 800,800,800.

Altough this would work for decals, I am currently using a surface apearance for my model wich cant go higher then 255, 255, 255 in color. Switching to decals is also no options since my model is not a square

Ended up using particle emiters, I found a glow texture and made it really bright with some transparency and increased the zindex wich gave me the effect I needed

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